Safety Bumper and Interlock Control

$ 3,150.00

If you want to integrate bumper-type limit switches into your Stagehand control system, we’ve got a fully tested system designed specifically for Creative Conners gear. This is a great way to add an additional layer of safety to any setup, like an elevator or a pivoting wall.

The system consists of one or more 8′ rubber bumper switches and an electronic interlock device. The bumper switch is put into either of the limit switch circuits by running a limit cable from the Stagehand to the interlock device, and then to the bumper switch. The interlock device is powered by the Showstopper using a standard Showstopper cable (5-pin DMX).


  • Each bumper switch is 8′ long and can be daisy chained. Each switch has 6′ tails on each end.
  • Indication lights on the face panel alert the operator to bumper switch status.
  • The interlock device converts “Normally Open” contacts of the bumper switch into a fail-safe, “Normally Closed” signal.
  • When the bumper is engaged, the interlock allows the machine to run in the opposite direction, moving away from the interference.
  • For more details, check out the Safety Bumper Interlock manual.


Availability: 2-3 Weeks

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